Pre-consideration. Federal App for Order of Conduct Review on a person that Medicine Hat's residents who see him as 1 of their Finest. This is a touchy situation for any real citizen. That means I myself have decided to start conducting an observation who this Stacey Kesler is? I must get rigt down to the grass roots issues. No need to stir the Old Tymers Nest. To them Kesler maybe a Hero? But what He did to me and my family. I assure you, that will always remain in the back of my throat

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Federal Court of Canada Motion for an Order ordering a Police Conduct Review

It's time for me to ask the Medicine Hat community. Who is Staey kesler? What is so go about him that will not make request to the Fed's such an order. As a General Statement I do not want to attack Stacey in a public format. I just want see if he is a Super Hero or has done something else for someone else perhaps... I don't know? I seeks answers as to who stacey is before considering the next step in my case development. I will aske a few hatters this however my resource in the Hat is limitted. I feel my ex-wife wants be to just forget about anyone in the Hat. And Rhonda Sails has me the father of Kayla Actem will do what ever. And Justice karen Horner the nasty carless judgement yeilded my ex a 95%/5% split off all matrimonial in her favor from a divorce stemming from ZERO $0.00 exemptions.

This has nothing to do with Stacey. But what does is me regretting taking MeMerv Nidishes offer from the crown. an signing a peace bond. That LawLIAR sure suckered. But regarless of what I will proceed to do is get that Peace reviewed by the Fed's and that may very will be sent into didisrepute. Because I will do what ever I can to make that for certain go away. Bottom Line stacey what you did was dirty. how could one forgive you for your unrequred involment. That was bottom line dirty. I be back in 48 hour. Stacey better hope someone's going to make me step away from my right for a hero?

Other help form some balanlanced objectional dialogue, by sending comments to me Eddie Achtem at,  or leaving comment in the comments box.  Or those invited my also wite on this blog.  If anyone want anyones else to be invited to become an author of this blog then please write at a request to the said e-mail address, and they will be incuded no matter what.
To see how much I utterly respect honest public official who are guine super Heros, then please visit my Super hero's Blog at,

As a result of my findings about Sarjent H.S. (Stacey) Kesler past conduct.  He is a respected member of the Medicine Hat Police Services.  Who has fine repution, and is a known by some as a hero.  This motion is going to reflect his past fine conduct too.  Mr. Achtem has somehow attained respect for his fine record as a police officer, but he has a right to be angry over him pressing charges based on false allegations base on Mrs. Sails fictional witness statement, and the Police Disclosure base on false pretenses.